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全球招募 | 2020世界营地教育大会(ICC)组委会

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2018-01-10  来源:2020ICC授权 CCEA营地教育联盟  浏览次数:1383
核心提示:世界营地教育大会(International Camping Congress,以下简称ICC)是由国际营地协会(International Camping Fellowship,以下简称ICF)与主办国或地区的相应机构(例如大会组委会)共同主办的在营地教育领域最高级别的国际会议。自1987年起,ICC每三年在不同的国家或地区举办一次,第十二届大会将于2020年在中国深圳举行。




  世界营地教育大会(International Camping Congress,以下简称ICC)是由国际营地协会(International Camping Fellowship,以下简称ICF)与主办国或地区的相应机构(例如大会组委会)共同主办的在营地教育领域最高级别的国际会议。自1987年起,ICC每三年在不同的国家或地区举办一次,第十二届大会将于2020年在中国深圳举行。






  在2017年10月12日举行的第11届世界营地教育大会(俄罗斯索契)闭幕式上,国际营地协会(ICF)主席John Jorgenson先生正式向全世界同行宣布,此前ICF全球理事会已通过决议,中国获得第12届世界营地教育大会的主办权,并初步定于2020年十月在深圳市举行这次全球营地教育界的盛典。

  这一重大利好消息将极大地推动中国营地教育产业的发展,具有里程碑意义。这一重要的阶段性成果来之不易,是由五家营地教育机构发起的大会筹委会(Planning Committee)以及更多的幕后英雄大半年精心准备申办文件的结果,当然,更重要的是中国营地教育界全体同行过去几年共同努力的结果。为了让此次大会办成一个成功的大会,不仅能促进中国营地教育产业的大发展,更能成为全体中国营地教育界同仁一次在全世界同行面前展示中国风范、中国水准的机会,大会筹委会(由最初五家国内营地教育机构负责人以及国际营地协会正、副主席一共七人组成)诚挚地向营地教育同行发出邀请,以共同成立正式的2020年第十二届世界营地教育大会组委会(ICC Organizing Committee, 以下简称ICCOC)。




  2020世界营地教育大会组委会由常务委员会(Steering Committee)和其下辖及授权的不同工作委员会(Working Committees)组成。总体来说,常务委员会负责有关大会相关的重大决策与决议,工作委员会及其下设的不同的项目组会在常务委员会的指导与授权下负责具体执行。工作委员会的具体项目组名称及工作内容视实际情况而定,会随着大会准备进程深入另外发布招募信息。


  如上所述,世界营地教育2020大会组委会(ICCOC)常务委员会负责大会相关的重大决策与决议,共设11或13席。大会常务委员会将在现有的筹委会的七名成员的基础上,增选四名或六名成员。现有的筹委会由组成大会申请主体的五家单位(营天下、欧森营地教育、DE未来训练营、蓝象资本和培德书院)的各自代表和两位ICF代表(ICF主席John Jorgenson先生和副主席Fahrettin Gozet先生)组成,初步计划新招募四或六位常务委员,以共同组成大会组委会常务委员会(ICCOC Steering Committee)。常务委员会只接受机构报名,一旦入选,由该机构指定自然人担任委员(原则上由该机构主要负责人担任)。










  (8)秘书处:负责向各个工作委员会传达组委会常务委员会工作要求,并及时更新和统计各委员会工作进度,做好协调统筹工作。除此之外,秘书处应对各个委员会工作的执行情况进行评估,并及时免除未达标的单位或个人的职责,以及及时补充相关人员, 以确保组委会的高效运转。








  所有与2020年世界营地教育大会相关的信息发布与更新都会通过大会官方网站:www.icc2020.cn, 以及根据大会组委会决定,根据需要在相关社交媒体平台上同步。




  Registration link is at the end of this post.

  An Invitation to Join the Organizing Committee for the 2020 International Camping Congress

  Introduction to ICC

  The International Camping Fellowship encourages the creation and running of International Camping Congress (ICC) in locations around the world on an approximate time frame of once every three years.


  (1) To provide a platform and an opportunity of networking and cooperation for camp professionals, students, friends and retirees;

  (2) To provide training courses on camping practices, attract international attention and transmit lifestyle and values of camping;

  (3) To help international delegations to conduct investigation of local camp cultures and projects in host country;

  (4) To promote the international profile of camping in the host country via media.

  On October 12th, 2017 in Sochi, Russia, Mr. John Jorgenson, the current President of ICF, announced that China got the right to host the 2020 ICC with approving votes by the global board of ICF. It is expected to be a golden opportunity for China to develop its Camp education industry. The Planning Committee, a 7-person group consisted of representatives from the original five organizations that prepared the bidding documents plus the current ICF President and Vice President, cordially invite more organizations and individuals to join us to form the official ICC2020 Organizing Committee, which once founded will assume responsibilities of the current transitory Planning Committee.

  Details Regarding the ICC 2020 Organizing Committee

  1. Overall architecture

  The ICC2020 Organizing Committee consists of a Steering Committee, responsible for major decision making related to the Congress, and under its supervision, there will be Working Committees responsible for carrying out specific tasks as designated and authorized by the Steering Committee. With progression of the ICC2020 preparation, more Working Committees may be formed as needed and recruiting information is to be announced accordingly.

  2. Steering Committee

  As stated earlier, the ICCOC consists of a two-tier system, the Steering Committee and its designated Working Committee. The Steering Committee will be responsible for major decision making related to the Congress while the Working Committees execute assigned tasks under guidance and with authorization by the Steering Committee. The total number of seats on the Steering Committee is currently set at 11 or 13. The current 7-member Planning Committee are a prior members of the Steering Committee, which include representatives from the original five organizations that prepared the ICC2020 bidding documents,plus two ICF officers, Mr. John Jorgenson and Mr. Fahrettin Gozet, the ICF President and Vice President, respectively. Therefore, as currently set, the Steering Committee is to recruit a total of 4 or 6 additional members at this time, who must be persons in top management position at the specific organization in whose name the application is submitted. These new members, together with the aforementioned 7 members, will complete the official Steering Committee for the 2020 International Camping Congress.

  3. Working Committees

  To facilitate smooth preparation for the Congress, a number of Working Committees will be duly formed, which will report to the Steering Committee. Each Working Committee will have one Chair, two Vice Chairs and a certain number of committee members as needed. The size of the committee may vary according to its purpose and function. While the Steering Committee only accepts application submitted by organization, as discussed earlier, the Working Committees do not have such restriction, i.e., applications by either organizations or individuals will be accepted.

  The currently proposed Working Committees are as follows:

  (1) Legal Committee: Responsible for completing the registration of the legal entity of the Organizing Committee in Shenzhen, ensuring all the Congress preparations and procedures will abide by Chinese laws, and representing the Organizing Committee regarding the Congress on all legal matters..

  (2) Finance Committee: Responsible for budget-making at different stages of the ICC2020, ensuring successful application for governmental funding applications, corporate sponsorship, and private donations etc., and managing daily financial operations for the Organizing Committee.

  (3) Governmental Relations Committee: Responsible for initiating and maintaining communications with different levels of governments in China, including but not limited to securing various sorts of support from the government. In particular, this committee shall maintain smooth communication and coordination with the Shenzhen Municipal Government and its relevant departments that are essential for the success of the ICC2020.

  (4) Conference Agenda Committee: Responsible for proposing and deciding on themes of the Congress, inviting (keynote) speakers from all of the world, reviewing conference submission proposals, arranging other relevant activities, such as the opening and closing ceremonies, and helping ICF arrange meetings during the Congress. The ICF-designated Co-chair of this committee is Ms. Jill Dundas (CAN) and the other Co-chair of Chinese nationality is to be recruited, along with other members of the committee.

  (5) Cultural and Business Exchange Committee: Responsible for arranging the detailed schedule of the Pre- and Post-Congress activities, including but not limited to Chinese cultural visits, exploration, and exchanges, camp visits, and other business visits. The details may include travel route arrangement, tour guide and vehicle arrangement, accommodation and catering arrangement, and coordination with all relevant parties involved..

  (6) Marketing Committee: Responsible mainly for four areas of work : First, Branding and VI design of the Congress. Second, setting up, publicizing, and maintaining the official ICC2020 website. Third, initiating and maintaining domestic media relations, corporate sponsorship, which includes but is not limited to sales of exhibition slots and placements of sponsor logos in various conference publications etc., operations of various social media platforms (e.g., Wechat, Weibo etc), and ticket sales management. Fourth, which is more or less the international counterpart of the Third category listed above. Specifically, initiating and maintaining communications with country or regional camp associations around the world, the ICF ambassadors of different countries, all for the purpose of promoting the ICC2020 amongst their constituents. Also, the committee is expected to secure sponsorship from international community, operations of social media on international platforms such as Facebook etc., and management of international ticket sales.

  (7) Logistics Committee: Responsible for the arrangements of venues of the Congress, accommodation such as hotels and catering, Exhibition Hall setup, travel arrangements of international and domestic transportation, international visa services, and IT support etc. Also, this committee will serve as the HR function of the entire Working Committees in terms of the overall HR planning as well as specific tasks such as recruiting, training, and managing of the full-time, part-time, and volunteering staff members.

  (8) Secretariat: Responsible for workflow management by serving as liaison between the Steering Committee and Working Committees, such as communicating expectations of relevant parties, updating status of the work schedule of all Working Committees, and making adjustments accordingly. The Secretariat shall also be responsible for regular performance evaluation of Working Committees and relieve of duty of organizations or individuals as necessary and justified so as to ensure the efficient and effective working of the Committees.

  Call for Volunteers

  In order to ensure the smooth progress of the Organizing Committee, all interested friends who work or live in China, regardless of nationality, are welcome to be volunteers of us. We require that qualified applicants be available to contribute certain amount of time each week at reasonably regular time intervals, for a continuum of two-month period at minimum. After completing services as volunteer, the Organizing Committee of the 2020 International Camping Congress would issue the official Certificate of Volunteer Service as appreciation. Other benefits may be available as well, per the ICC2020 Organizing Committee.

  Deadlines for the OC Recruitment

  1. The deadline for application to the ICCOC Steering Committee is by midnight (24:00 Beijing Time) on February 28th, 2018.

  2. The announcement of the final result of the Steering Committee and certain Working Committees shall be made by noon (12:00 Beijing Time)on March 15th, 2018.

  3. Application for volunteer positions is open at any time and reviewed on a rolling basis.

  Information Update

  All updates related to the 2020 International Camping Congress are made available through the Official Website www.icc2020.cn, which may also be synchronized through various social media platforms as the Organizing Committee see fit.


  The ICC2020 Organizing Committee shall retain exclusive rights for explanation, revision without notice, and final arbitration regarding all matters and affairs related to the ICC2020. All rights are reserved by the ICC2020 Organizing Committee.



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